Is your school going to continue offering distance learning to students as a potential option for summer school or into the fall, even as the coronavirus pandemic begins to wind down? If so, you might be looking for additional ways to ensure that you can keep your students engaged and interested in what your teachers have to say. It can be hard to hold a student's full attention via video conferencing, but with the distance learning resources for teachers now being offered via education services firms, it's possible to make the distance learning experience enjoyable and engaging for all involved. Here's how upgrading your school's distance learning resources may be able to aid your teachers in the classroom.

Get Access to Online Interactive Lessons

When you are with students in the classroom, you can keep them engaged with their workbooks by walking around the room, pointing certain things out, or otherwise making the lesson interactive. But with video conferencing, this can be a bit harder. A distance learning services firm may be able to help you create online lessons that will restore some of the interactivity of the classroom. The lesson could change or adapt based on the student's answers or might offer fun puzzles or other things that could help the students stay more engaged.

Private Chat Rooms to Encourage Group Learning

When you are in a classroom, you can allow the kids to pair off into couples or larger groups in order to encourage group learning. It can be hard for teachers to do this via video conferencing without getting disconnected from themselves or having different students talking over each other. Distance learning solutions may offer more advanced conferencing or chat room capabilities, so you can move students into their own private chat rooms and then jump from room to room yourself, without delay or disconnection.

Services for Screen Sharing or Monitoring

Are you concerned the students are staring into the webcam but actually watching something on a second monitor or otherwise not paying attention? It's possible today for schools to ask kids and their parents to install special screen sharing or monitoring software on the child's computer so that the teacher can be sure the student is staying focused.

Upgrade Your School's Available Resources Today

The pandemic changed the way children are educated, and perhaps your school might continue offering some distance learning options for the foreseeable future. If that's the case, make sure your teachers have the tools to provide the same quality experience the students would get if they were inside the classroom. Contact a distance learning services firm today for more information.
