Is your child ready to start K6 school? It's that time of the year again. Whether they'll go back to in-person classes or start their cyber journey, take a look at the school supplies they'll need right now and throughout the entire academic elementary year.

In-Person Elementary School

If your child's school district has plans to return to a full or partial (hybrid) in-person schedule, they'll need plenty of supplies to get through the year. Even though the school or teacher may give them some items, supplies to purchase on your own may include:

  • A pencil bag or caddy. As pencils wear down, the partial pieces will get lost in your elementary school-aged child's desk or backup. The same goes for crayons and erasers. A pencil pouch or caddy will keep all your young student's writing tools together.
  • Pencils, crayons, and other writing tools. Your child will need something to put in their pencil pouch. The school may want children to bring their own writing tools this year. This strategy reduces the risks of sharing heavily handled items.
  • Glue sticks. Like pencils and other writing tools, you may want to provide these high-touch items too.
  • Children's scissors. Again, anything multiple children could handle pose a contamination risk. Send your child with their own pair of blunt-tipped scissors for activities and in-class art projects.
  • Backpack. Your child needs something to keep all their for-school belongings in. Choose a backpack that fits your child's size well and is easy for them to carry.

Along with academic items, your child may also need to bring their own tissues and hand sanitizer. Ask the school's staff about hand sanitizer requirements and regulations before you send in a jug-sized bottle.

Cyber Elementary School

If your child's school is fully or partially online, you'll have a somewhat different supply list. While they'll still need writing tools (such as pencils and crayons), erasers, glue sticks, and scissors, they may also need:

  • A new desk. Does your child have a comfortable workspace? If not, now is the time to invest in a new desk. Choose a comfortable desk with enough space for your child's books, notebooks, computer, and anything else they'll need.
  • A new chair. Your kitchen table chairs won't cut it for eight-hour elementary school days at home. Select a supportive desk chair that fits your child's size.
  • A laptop or other device. If your child's school doesn't supply a device, ask their teacher for a recommendation.

You may also need a printer, paper, and educational software. The school should provide you with a list of technical requirements and accessories necessary for a successful cyber school year.  
